Trailer : The Amazing Spider-Man
Tells Stories about Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), an ordinary high
school boy who left his parents as a child, so he was treated by his
uncle, Ben (Martin Sheen), and her aunt, May (Sally Field). As with most
teenagers, Peter tried to figure out who he was and how it can be
like now. Peter also look for ways to be with her first love, Gwen
Stacy (Emma Stone) and
together, they struggle with love, commitment and secrets exist. When
Peter found a bag
belonged to his father's mysterious, he started an investigation to be
able to understand the loss of his parents
- Which led directly to Oscorp and a laboratory owned by Dr. Curt
Connors (Rhys
Ifans), ex-partner of his father. When Spider-Man is faced with the
alter-ego Dr. Connors, The Lizard, Peter must
uses his powers and began his life as a hero.